Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Who actually wants to keep up with the Kardashians?

Photo Credit: ANDERSON/bauergriffinonline.comUs Magazine
Well, Yahoo! definitely does. Have you ever noticed how almost everyday (or how often you may be checking the site), when you feel that need to update yourself on what happened to the world overnight and Yahoo! is obviously the most popular and convenient site to browse, you'll never fail to see a Kardashian on its front page?

Kim was seen doing this, Kim was seen doing that; Kourtney wore this, Kourtney wore that; Khloe said this, Khloe said that; like come on! What else do the readers need to know about them that their show did not air yet or wont air anyway?

Oh well, whatever suits you Yahoo!. But really, do you want to keep helping them spread their cellulite stories, their break-ups, their petty cat fights, and their recent visits to their plastic surgeon and botox injections? You know better than that. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why I'm not a Justin Belieber!

10. His signature hair, that freakin' non-stop hair flipping (well before he decided to don a new do) and his I-can-conquer-the-world-with-my-hair air of an attitude

9. His song, well you know, that song which mostly said Baby-Baby-Baby-oh - It has once been the most irritating song and whenever I get to against-my-will listen to it, I wish had earplugs. 

8. This ad: his lame ad for "Someday", his new perfume,  for women, (I mean girls)

7. Because at the American Music Awards last year he said this:

“I want to thank Michael Jackson because without Michael Jackson, none of us would be here.” (And this was his second speech that night, after one artist after the other paid tribute to MJ, he suddenly thought, "oh well I guess I also have to".)

6. That he thinks he can pull off a "yo-nigga" conversation and a Jay-Z status only because he hangs out with his man, Usher

5. Because he said these, either on Twitter or on interviews 

•“People write to me and say, ‘I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me.’ I just write them a simple message like, ‘Never give up,’ you know? And it changes their life.”

• Regarding deceased fashion designer Alexander McQueen: ”I think he is very original.”

• “Girls are fun to hang out with but, like, having that one steady girl … we’re constantly traveling and one girl’s not gonna really [work]. You can’t really have one girl. I don’t really have any crushes at the moment.”
And although unverified, (but it made the news anyway) he apparently said that line about him being the Kurt Cobain of "his" generation. 

4. Because he had to be the one to sing this song. 
This song is beautiful but with Justin singing it, nobody would even be moved to "Pray". He lacks the soul. This song was too big for him. 

3. Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez is currently who I think is the most adorable Disney girl. I used to watch "Wizards of Waverly Place" a lot, even reruns of it because Alex Russo is funny and so-Selena. And then he fell for Bieber and every story about her is now about him. Crap. And great, now all of the Belieber girls envy her, thus hate her to death. 

2. His bad acting. No, terrible acting.

1. That his only talent is to make girls scream and still, he expected to win a Grammy last February. (You cant just Baby-Baby-oh your way up to getting a Grammy JB. Choose your songs and they might vote for you next year.)

Peace out Beliebers. I do not hate your Justin Bieber who is by the way just 17 y/o and who's got a long way to go.  I'm just finding it hard to like him. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Re: Same-sex Union

Link to Sunstar Article: Same-sex mass wedding shocks bishop

Bishop Carlito Cenzon on Same-Sex Marriage:

"Same-sex wedding is wrong and cannot be called a holy union. Naawa tayo sa kanila kasi nagmamahalan sila pero hindi sila pwedeng ikasal. (We pity them, they love each other but they cannot be wed.)  Wedding should involve only a woman and a man."   
 "A same-sex holy union is an insult to the Roman Catholic Church, and that local officials should not support activities like this."

What immediately came into my stirred up mind upon reading such?

  1. Wrong? Says who? Yes the Bible or did it really say outright? But anyway who can debate with the Holy Bible. (And I dont want to talk about the Bible, I'm no theologian and no Manny Pacquiao.) What is so wrong about a same-sex union (keeping the Bible aside), tell me!? That it is against social norms? That it will be a threat to Filipino values?  Then again, is it wrong to go against social norms? What values are they going against with anyway? They also deserve the right to celebrate their love too as any other couple. 
  2. Right, it is an insult to the Roman Catholic Church. Why does it always have to be about the Roman Catholic Church? Do you think other religious groups will care so much if you think they have insulted you for what they believe is right? Do you think they will always consider your standards? FYI, they are not Catholics, not part of you're church thus they are not obliged to go the Vatican way. If you feel insulted, try suing them, on what grounds or what crime, its for you to ponder upon. (And please don't be so quick to judge what gay people want. Realize that you have in your churches gay priests who are either slightly out in the open or completely hiding in their closets feeling stabbed in the heart for every negative remark you say about what they want to fight for )
  3. And here comes the toll order: "Local officials should not support activities like this."  When will the so-called "Separation of the Church and State" ever be fully effective? If you wanted to run a country, then why didn't just choose to be politicians in the first place? 

 No, I do not have anything against the Bishop (whom I always prayed for when I used to attend masses at Saint Louis University and the Baguio Cathedral, of course the churches here in Manila are mentioning another Bishop during the intercessions). It's just that such statements will always raise questions.

I am aware that even the greater public is against same-sex unions. Well, no matter how awkward and absurd it is, the fact is, we can never eliminate their desire to be together or to be wed. You may also want to shove it down their throats that it wont be legally binding, it won't matter to them as they are not dumb not to know that there is still no law legalizing same-sex marriage in the Philippines. Nobody is forcing you to agree with their choices, but they are humans too, (they are not to be pitied upon because I think that the gay/lesbian community is empowered enough and please they have brilliant brains, they work hard, they are humans! ) and they deserve no less than the same respect we give other people and no less than the happiness we want for ourselves.

Yes this has been impulsively written and I don't think I would have said otherwise if thought about it longer. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Normality (What is)

A list compiled by Javits Wild, a powerful film distributor who wanted to know what it meant to live a normal life and so he asked different people about it and these were their responses. You'll find this list in The Winner Stands Alone (authored by Paulo Coelho who just this morning posted the same list in his blog and thus saved me the time which I would've spent encoding these 47 items from his great book). 
1] Anything that makes us forget our true identity and our dreams and makes us only work to produce and reproduce.
2] Making rules for a war (the Geneva Convention).
3] Spending years at university and then not being able to find a job.
4] Working from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon at something that does not give us the least pleasure, so that we can retire after 30 years.
5] Retiring only to discover that we have no more energy to enjoy life, and then dying of boredom after a few years.
6] Using Botox.
7] Trying to be financially successful instead of seeking happiness.
8] Ridiculing those who seek happiness instead of money by calling them “people with no ambition”.
9] Comparing objects like cars, houses and clothes, and defining life according to these comparisons instead of really trying to find out the true reason for being alive.
10] Not talking to strangers. Saying nasty things about our neighbors.
11] Thinking that parents are always right.
12] Getting married, having children and staying together even though the love has gone, claiming that it’s for the sake of the children (who do not seem to be listening to the constant arguments).
12ยช] Criticizing everybody who tries to be different.
14] Waking up with a hysterical alarm-clock at the bedside.
15] Believing in everything that is printed.
16] Wearing a piece of colored cloth wrapped around the neck, known by the pompous name “necktie”.
17] Never asking direct questions, even though the other person understands what you want to know.
18] Keeping a smile on your face when you really want to cry. And feeling sorry for those who show their own feelings.
19] Thinking that art is worth a fortune, or that it is worth absolutely nothing.
20] Always despising what was easily gained, because the “necessary sacrifice” – and therefore also the required qualities – are missing.
21] Following fashion, even though it all looks ridiculous and uncomfortable.
22] Being convinced that all the famous people have tons of money.
23] Investing a lot in exterior beauty and paying little attention to interior beauty.
24] Using all possible means to show that even though you are a normal person, you are infinitely superior to other human beings.
25] In any kind of public transport, never looking straight into the eyes of the other passengers, as this may be taken for attempting to seduce them.
26] When in an elevator, looking straight at the door and pretending you are the only person inside, however crowded it may be.
27] Never laughing out loud in a restaurant, no matter how funny the story is.
28] In the Northern hemisphere, always wearing the clothes that match the season of the year: short sleeves in springtime (however cold it may be) and a woolen jacket in the fall (no matter how warm it is).
29] In the Southern hemisphere, decorating the Christmas tree with cotton wool, even though winter has nothing to do with the birth of Christ.
30] As you grow older, thinking you are the wisest man in the world, even though not always do you have enough life experience to know what is wrong.
31] Going to a charity event and thinking that it is enough to put an end to all the social inequalities in the world.
32] Eating three times a day, even when not hungry.
33] Believing that the others are always better at everything: they are better-looking, more resourceful, richer and more intelligent. Since it’s very risky to venture beyond your own limits, it’s better to do nothing.
34] Using the car as a way to feel powerful and in control of the world.
35] Using foul language in traffic.
36] Thinking that everything your child does wrong is the fault of the company he or she is keeping.
37] Marrying the first person who offers a position in society. Love can wait.
38] Always saying “I tried”, even though you haven’t tried at all.
39] Putting off doing the most interesting things in life until you no longer have the strength to do them.
40] Avoiding depression with massive daily doses of television programs.
41] Believing that it is possible to be sure of everything you have won.
42] Thinking that women don’t like football and that men don’t like interior decoration.
43] Blaming the government for everything bad that happens.
44] Being convinced that being a good, decent and respectful person means that the others will find you weak, vulnerable and easy to manipulate.
45] Being convinced that aggressiveness and discourtesy in treating others are signs of a powerful personality.
46] Being afraid of fibroscopy (men) and childbirth (women).
47] And finally, thinking that your religion is the sole proprietor of the absolute truth, the most important, the best, and that the other human beings in this immense planet who believe in any other manifestation of God are condemned to the fires of hell.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Purple Alien

The purple alien (who had to have purple blood in order to look alien enough) had to be badly wounded and had to crash land to a planet called, yeah, Earth. After which he had to summon his ring to search for someone worthy (who of course had to be yet another gorgeous being with a body sculpted to perfection who happened to be a pilot named Hal Jordan who was, like any other superhero, at that time struggling to overcome something in his life) to be his replacement in the intergalactic brotherhood of warriors known as the Green Lantern Corps. And yes, you have to watch the movie whether you are a fan or not.

No, I am not a Marvel or DC  fanatic and I wont pretend to be one. See, I met Thor just last month and I met the Green Lantern last night. Well, good news people, I met Captain America and his shield when I was five. All of that means, I wont talk much about any superhero's profile or history because I wont give justice to the gazillion of facts that Marvel/DC fans can recite even while asleep. In other words, no, there wont be Green Lantern specifics here (let's leave that to those who know better). Second, I wont even try to rate the movie as to how well or poor it has been made, because somebody will always try to dismiss anybody's rating claiming otherwise anyway, so why bother. But there are actually some reasons why I found the movie worth the popcorn calories and that's what I intend to list down. 

1. Ryan Reynolds (that funny guy from The Proposal) and his uber sexy bod. The scene where he was forced by his best friend to show off what the ring can do is the scene where he probably looked the hottest. Body aside, he is an adorable actor. 

2.  Getting to see Blake Lively in another movie is another good reason. She is a nothing short of stunning. 

3. What Green Lanterns can do—their superpowers. 

4. Finally, the movie was a booster. After all, we all need one once in a while.

The movie was about willpower—that anything is possible with it. With willpower, what we can do is limited to what our mind can think of, (and we all know what our mind is capable of)  but fear usually gets in the way. And when it creeps in, that's when we start to crumble because others (including that little voice in our head) will feed on our fear and will tirelessly try to eat that drive in us. 

Fear often is the reason why we hold back, why we refuse to take on something we know we could be good at and why we hesitate to do what can make us happy. It was about having the courage, enough willpower, to face our fears with the inevitable first step of admitting that we are afraid. The fact that we accept we are afraid does not mean we are weak, it means we can move on from there and come out victorious in the end. 

How many times have you said no only because you're scared? How many times did you disappoint yourself only because you're scared? How many times did you badly want to try something new but didn't only for the same reason? How many times did you want to face your fears but gave up without even trying? 

The movie can make anybody realize a thing or two because nobody can really be totally fearless.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Divorce in PHL

The Philippines, a Catholic country, seems (or rather obviously) very scared with the idea of divorce. Not that I can foresee one being successfully passed as a law in our country in a few years, but since the men in robes have started expressing their disgust about it recently, then, by all means, I'll talk about it. 

What is so threatening about divorce? Above all, this nation has been and still is very proud of its Catholicism. About 80% (please forgive me for my estimate, if you think it should be higher then I have no objections to that) of Filipinos are Roman Catholics. And the Catholic Church, I believe, has ever since been preaching about the Bible, preaching about how to live upright, preaching about moral values, preaching about what's wrong or right and have acted as our visible conscience from time to time. So what's the problem? If the church has been successful (yes it is but I think the priests are underestimating themselves) in it's role to guide and enlighten the lives of Filipinos then why be scared? Nobody would even care about the idea of divorce if they strongly adhere to what the church promotes. The question is, can't you (the church) be more vigilant, more religious, more aggressive in promoting family values so that you wont have to tremble in fear? Or have you started to doubt yourselves? Will divorce overpower the your capacity to influence your members? 

Second, the whole divorce thing has a process. You have to have valid grounds such as, ABUSE, INFIDELITY and a whole list more. It is not aimed to destroy marriages at all. It is aimed to help those whose lives were destroyed by marriage, those whose lives suffered because of marriage and those whose lives are in danger because of marriage. Count the number of couples who have opted their marriages to be annulled or who simply opted to live separately and you'll realize how common it is. Divorce will not introduce the idea of separation, it will only legalize it.  (What's the buzz about it when annulment is allowed anyway?) But then again, divorce is a tedious process. It's not like filing one today and having it ratified the next day. No. Please, divorce is not easy. Get over that! That's another motivation not to file one—the process. 

Third, divorce, I believe, will not devalue marriage. It will in fact be a means for Filipinos to ponder on the true meaning of marrying someone—one whom they can live with and face troubles with for a lifetime to avoid the dark path to divorce (I do not want to talk further about standards of choosing a partner as everyone has his/her standard). But I'm sure, women most specially would be more careful and more empowered with it. Who would marry just to get divorced anyway? (Well, yes, schemes will start coming to mind but aren't we citizens who strongly stick to our values or have you also doubted that?) I mean, if couples have married for love then by all means, let them prove it by overcoming the challenge of having to get divorced.

Am I for it or not? For it. But I doubt if that will be given due consideration in the Philippines. (Nothing is impossible though)

Disclaimer: I only mentioned about the Roman Catholic Church/Roman Catholicism, it being the dominant 'church'  in the Philippines and who as expected, has expressed it's strong opposition to such bill. I am aware of the presence of other religions (as I am an Episcopalian) and that they are also equally promoting strong moral values for the welfare of Filipinos. As to the stand of each religion in this issue, I opted not to touch on as this was not about who is against it or not.  I am no expert  on the issue but that won't keep me from airing my view on that, being a citizen of this nation.

Nella Fantasia

Choi Sung-Bong  on Korea's Got Talent

This video, one of  those I would normally ignore in Facebook despite the number of posts and re-posts on walls, is a must-watch. For some reason, also known as boredom, I decided to view it expecting another Rebecca Black-sort-of-video. Ooops, exactly the opposite. This person actually knows how to sing, and there was no ''rapper to make it a real song'' (as Conan O'brien said so in his Friday parody). I do not even understand Italian (he sang Nella Fantasia, which is by the way Italian) but right from that first note he hit, tears started rolling down my cheeks and it did until even after his song. 

His story and his deeply-rooted song are so powerful that I died almost instantly. With dying I mean shrinking, loathing myself and being ashamed. All my life (and I believe you would agree that you're guilty of the same thing) I have complained pretty much about little things—from breakfasts at home that I didn't like to restaurants that didn't serve good food, pillows that were too uncomfortable, homeworks, teachers who never got tired of explaining, waking up with less than 8 hours of sleep just to be in school, people who kept flooding my inbox with generic messages—name it! There was always something to complain about. And I went speechless after watching this. That was very insensitive of me! Sung-Bong lived like a ''day-fly''—no home, probably no food at times, no parents, no friends, no one to take care of him and be responsible for him. How lonely and hard can that be?!  

It's not like it was my first time to find out that such a situation existed. I am from the Philippines, and in Manila where I am currently staying,  I see children, elderly people and even able people everyday and everywhere living a life like what Sung-Bong had for a decade. So I have been aware since time immemorial of this gruesome reality. And plenty of times, I have also been inspired by stories of some who have made it successful despite all unimaginable and unfavorable circumstances. 

Sung-Bong's story is yet another wake-up call and a reminder of how blessed and fortunate we still are—that if he was able to put up with that kind of life for 10 years and still managed to be optimistic, to be full of dreams—then all the more that we are expected to value the kind of lives we have, our relationships with the people we love and who love us and to believe that our own dreams are achievable.
