10. His signature hair, that freakin' non-stop hair flipping (well before he decided to don a new do) and his I-can-conquer-the-world-with-my-hair air of an attitude
9. His song, well you know, that song which mostly said Baby-Baby-Baby-oh - It has once been the most irritating song and whenever I get to against-my-will listen to it, I wish had earplugs.
8. This ad: his lame ad for "Someday", his new perfume, for women, (I mean girls)
7. Because at the American Music Awards last year he said this:
“I want to thank Michael Jackson because without Michael Jackson, none of us would be here.” (And this was his second speech that night, after one artist after the other paid tribute to MJ, he suddenly thought, "oh well I guess I also have to".)
6. That he thinks he can pull off a "yo-nigga" conversation and a Jay-Z status only because he hangs out with his man, Usher
5. Because he said these, either on Twitter or on interviews
•“People write to me and say, ‘I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me.’ I just write them a simple message like, ‘Never give up,’ you know? And it changes their life.”
• “Girls are fun to hang out with but, like, having that one steady girl … we’re constantly traveling and one girl’s not gonna really [work]. You can’t really have one girl. I don’t really have any crushes at the moment.”
And although unverified, (but it made the news anyway) he apparently said that line about him being the Kurt Cobain of "his" generation. 4. Because he had to be the one to sing this song.
This song is beautiful but with Justin singing it, nobody would even be moved to "Pray". He lacks the soul. This song was too big for him.
3. Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez is currently who I think is the most adorable Disney girl. I used to watch "Wizards of Waverly Place" a lot, even reruns of it because Alex Russo is funny and so-Selena. And then he fell for Bieber and every story about her is now about him. Crap. And great, now all of the Belieber girls envy her, thus hate her to death.
2. His bad acting. No, terrible acting.
1. That his only talent is to make girls scream and still, he expected to win a Grammy last February. (You cant just Baby-Baby-oh your way up to getting a Grammy JB. Choose your songs and they might vote for you next year.)
Peace out Beliebers. I do not hate your Justin Bieber who is by the way just 17 y/o and who's got a long way to go. I'm just finding it hard to like him.
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